Here's what all the cool kids were wearing Friday night at New Hanover County's Relay for Life as we took our places to walk the first lap of the relay, the Survivor's Lap. Thousands of people lined the track, clapping and cheering for all of us as we walked. Liam walked with me (I let him wear the medal) and we waved at folks we knew, stopping every now and then for a hug. It was awesome in the very truest sense of that word, and very, very moving. If you've never been applauded simply for showing up, I can tell you it's pretty fun!
Once the initial lap was completed, we found the team from Liam's school and joined them to walk several more laps around the track. A band was playing oldies, people were dancing around the track and it was chaotic and happy and wonderful. Many teams went all out, with crazy headgear (I wish I had a picture of the team wearing flamingo hats), big banners, team shirts and the like. It was the perfect way to spend an early spring evening, and I'm so glad we went, and naturally, I've already started thinking about ways to make it even more fun (and to raise more money) next year.
The best thing, I think, was seeing hundreds of people in purple survivor shirts. Obviously, it's impossible to tell the state of many folks' health just by looking at them -- I don't "look sick," for instance -- but there were many, many people in purple who looked robust and healthy, and that was such a hopeful thing for me as I go into the next phase of my journey, and a great way to set my sights on the next milestone in my recovery.
Thanks so much to those of you who donated to our effort. The preliminary count for the county says that there were over 4000 registered walkers who raised $542,000 for cancer research, and money is still being counted. I'm grateful to have had a small part in this year's event.